如何成為澳洲國家級口譯/筆譯師?NATTI考試證照介紹 | 艾爾斯留遊學

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如何成為澳洲國家級口譯/筆譯師?NATTI考試證照介紹 | 艾爾斯留遊學



澳洲是個多元文化的國家,澳洲十分歡迎不同的種族在此生活,也因此對於澳洲政府及一些民間機構都十分需要有翻譯人員的協助,幫助不同種族的協助翻譯。澳洲聯邦、州及地區政府在2001年設立了『澳洲國家認可筆譯口譯管理局』National Accreditation Authority For Translating and Interpreting Ltd (NATTI),並設立一套國家級的標準,主要對於要從事翻譯工作給予統一的規範,要在澳洲成為國家級的翻譯師就必須要通過NATTI這個機構所設立的考試進一步得到NATTI認證。
l   會議口譯官 (高級) (5級)
l   高級筆譯官 (高級) (5級)
l   會議口譯官(4級)
l   高級筆譯官(4級)
l   專業口譯 (3級)
l   專業筆譯 (3級)
l   口譯助理 (2級)
l   筆譯助理 (2級)
l   口譯認可
l   筆譯認可
l   語言助理
l   通過NAATI認證考試
l   完成NATTI認可的澳洲學院所開設的口譯筆譯課程
l   提供海外大專院校所發出之口譯筆譯學歷證明
l   提供國際認可之口譯筆譯會員證明
l   提供口譯筆譯相關學分證明
l   大學或文憑畢業或同等學歷
l   有二級翻譯資格
l   有翻譯相關工作經驗
l   遞出NATTI考試的申請之後,NATTI機構會在2週內以電話或是EMAIL聯絡考生
l   10週之內與考生確認考試日期、時間、地點
l   考試結果也會在10週內通知考生
2024 最新 NATTI 考試費用:

l   申請書與見證人聲明書
l   護照影本
l   需提供澳洲公民或永久居留證明 (如有)
l   照片兩張
ü   3月第一週 (考試截止日期: 12月13日)
ü   9月第一週 (考試截止日期: 06月30日)
專業口譯考試 (75-90分鐘)
l   對話口譯 50分 (需得到35分)
l   社會文化題 10分 (需得到5分)
l   道德專業題 10分 (需得到5分)
l   觀感見析題 20分 (需得到14分)
l   連續章節口譯30分 (需得到21分)
專業筆譯考試 (3小時)
l   第一單元滿分90分,需翻譯2篇250字的文章,可從3篇文章中選出2篇翻譯,內容包含文化、科學、科技、健康、法律、商學等相關知識 (需得到63分)。
l   第二單元滿分10分,內容為3題道德專業題 (需得到5分)
而在澳洲可選擇的碩士課程 (筆譯&口譯) 如下:
Monash University 蒙納許大學
城市 墨爾本/Clayton校區
課程名稱 Interpreting and Translation Studies - Professional Entry Master Degree
課程長度 1.75年 或 2年 (取決於申請的資格條件)
開課時間 2月、7月
雅思要求 總分6.5,聽說讀寫各項不得低於6.0
學歷要求 大學畢業,且學期成績需達60%以上
學費 (一年) 2023 AU$37,900
課程安排 There are two streams in this course: Interpreting and Translation Stream and Translation Only Stream. The course comprises 96 points structured in four parts: Part A. Foundation study, Part B. Principal study, Part C. Applied study, and Part D. Specialist study.

Part A. Foundation study (12 credit points)
|   APG5677 Professional ethics
|   APG5875 Introduction to translation studies

Part B. Principal study (36 credit points)
|   APG5601 Medical and scientific translation
|   APG5602 Legal and financial translation
|   APG5603 Translating in global markets
|   APG5604 Professional translation practices

Part C. Applied study (18-24 credit points)
|   APG5044 Professional internship
|   APG5969 Advanced simulation
|   APG5883 Major translation project

Professional enhancement (6-12 points)
|   APG5044 Professional internship
|   APG5470 Managing multicultural teams
|   APG5471 Leadership in intercultural environments
|   APG5966 Academic and professional presentation skills
|   APG5968 Professional enhancement A
|   APG5969 Professional enhancement B

Part D. Specialist study (24-30 credit points)
|   APG5044 Professional internship
|   APG5107 Digital language: Users and technology
|   APG5155 Designing research in the humanities and social sciences
|   APG5366 Strategic communications in a digital era
|   APG5380 Public relations in a global context
|   APG5389 Tourism industry and marketing
|   APG5470 Managing multicultural teams
|   APG5471 Leadership in intercultural environments
|   APG5608 Translating literary and cultural narratives
|   APG5611 Screen translation
|   APG5652 Language and intercultural communication
|   APG5704 Discourse analysis: Texts and talk
|   APG5856 Research project
|   APG5876 Online collaborative translation practices
|   APG5856 Research project
|   APG5883 Major translation project
|   APG5966 Academic and professional presentation skills
|   APG5967 Professional enhancement A
|   APG5968 Professional enhancement B
|   APG5969 Advanced simulation

Arts enrichment units
|   APG5136 Mindfulness for workplace wellbeing and productivity
|   APG5170 Social entrepreneurship challenge in the lndo-Pacific
|   APG5470 Managing multicultural teams
|   APG5471 Leadership in intercultural environment
RMIT University 皇家墨爾本大學
城市 墨爾本/市中心校區
課程名稱 Master of Translating and Interpreting
課程長度 2年 (如大學科系念翻譯、外文、英語文學有機會抵免學分至1.5年)
開課時間 3月/8月
雅斯要求 總分6.5,單科不得低於6.0
學歷要求 大學畢業、需通過RMIT雙語測試
學費 (一年) 2014 AU$23040
課程安排 Year 1
l   Theoretical bases of translating and interpreting
l   Ethics and professional issues
l   Discourse studies for translators and interpreters
l   Translation and technology.
Year 2
l   Advanced theory of translating and interpreting
l   Advanced discourse studies
l   Research strategies - social sciences
l   Extended professional project (24 credit points).
Program electives:
Elective courses required for NAATI accreditation:
l   Translation accrediting practice (24 credit points) and/or
l   Interpreting accrediting practice (24 credit points).
Other program elective courses:
l   Language policy and services
l   Pedagogy of translating and interpreting
l   Minor thesis (24 credit points).
The University of Queensland 昆士蘭大學
城市 布里斯本
課程名稱 Master of Arts in Chinese Translation and Interpreting
課程長度 1.5年
雅斯要求 IELTS總分6.5,單科不得低於6.0
學歷要求 大學畢業 GPA4.5/7.0
學費 (一年) AU$25280
課程安排 Part 1
l   Translation Skills & Practice (English and Chinese)
l   Interpreting Skills & Practice (English and Mandarin)
l   Theoretical & Professional Studies
l   Contextual Studies for Translators & Interpreters
Part 2
l   Language Consolidation for Translation & Interpreting Purposes
l   Professional Translation (English and Chinese)
l   Professional Interpreting (English and Mandarin)
l   Translation & Interpreting Practicum
Part 3
l   Thesis in Translation & Interpreting Studies
l   Simultaneous Interpreting (English and Mandarin)
l   General Research Methods
城市 布里斯本
課程名稱 Master of Arts in Chinese Translation and Interpreting (Advanced)
課程長度 2.0年
雅斯要求 IELTS總分6.5,單科不得低於6.0
學歷要求 大學畢業 GPA4.5/7.0
學費 (一年) 2014 AU$25280
課程安排 Part A
l   CHIN7100 Translation Skills & Practice (English and Chinese)
l   CHIN7110 Interpreting Skills & Practice (English and Mandarin)
l   CHIN7130 Theoretical & Professional Studies
l   CHIN7160 Contextual Studies for Translators & Interpreters
Part B
l   CHIN7120 Language Consolidation for Translation & Interpreting Purposes
l   CHIN7140 Professional Translation (English and Chinese)
l   CHIN7150 Professional Interpreting (English and Mandarin)
l   CHIN7170 Translation & Interpreting Practicum
Part C
l   LTCS6000 General Research Methods
l   CHIN7190 Simultaneous Interpreting (English and Mandarin)
l   CHIN7666 Translation and Interpreting for Science, Engineering and Technology
Part D
l   CHIN7181 Thesis in Translation and Interpreting Studies (Advanced)
l   CHIN7180 Thesis in Translation & Interpreting Studies
l   CHIN7191 Supervised Translation Project
University of Western Sydney 西雪梨大學
城市 雪梨/Bankstown campus
課程名稱 Master of Interpreting and Translating
課程長度 1年
開課時間 2月/7月
雅斯要求 IELTS總分7.0,單科不得低於6.5
學歷要求 大學畢業
學費 (一年) 2014 AU$23200
課程安排 Year 1
l   101695.2 Introduction to Interpreting PG
l   101696.2 Introduction to Translation PG
And 20 credit points from the pool units below
Year 2
l   A7456.4 Interpreting and Translation Professional Practicum (PG)
l   101482.3 Accreditation Studies
And 20 credit points from the pool units below
Pool Units
l   101868.1 Business Interpreting
l   101826.2 Conference Interpreting
l   100916.2 Legal Interpreting
l   100922.2 Medical Interpreting (PG)
l   102015.1 Interpreting Skills (PG)
l   101827.3 Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling and Captioning
l   101845.1 Community and Social Services Translation (PG)
l   100925.2 Literary Translation
l   100917.2 Specialised Translation (PG)
l   101750.2 Translation Technologies (PG)
l   100926.3 The Language of the Law
The University of New South Wales 新南威爾斯大學
城市 雪梨
課程名稱 Master of Arts (Extension) in Interpreting and Translation
課程長度 1.5年
開課時間 3月&8月
雅斯要求 IELTS總分6.5,單科不得低於6.0
學歷要求 學士學位需在Credit以上、需通過UNSW的能力檢定
學費 (一年) 2014 AU$27120
課程安排 Core Courses (66 UOC)
l   MODL5100 T&I Theories (6 UOC)
l   MODL5101 Interpreting in Legal Settings (6 UOC)
l   MODL5102 Interpret in busi & comm (6 UOC)
l   MODL5103 Media Translation (6 UOC)
l   MODL5104 Specialised Translation (6 UOC)
l   MODL5105 Conference Interpreting (6 UOC)
l   MODL5107 Technology for Translation (6 UOC)
l   MODL5108 Preparation for Accreditation (6 UOC)
l   MODL5111 Interpreting Practicum (6 UOC)
l   MODL5112 Translation Practicum (6 UOC)
l   MODL5113 Interpreting Accreditation (6 UOC)
Elective courses (6 UOC)
Students choose one elective course from the following:
l   MODL5109 Bilingual Enhancement (6 UOC)
l   MODL5110 Translation in C Language (6 UOC)
l   LING5022 Cross-cultural Pragmatics (6 UOC)
l   LING5026 Linguistics Analysis (6 UOC)
l   Other Postgraduate Linguistics courses
城市 雪梨
課程名稱 Master of Arts in Interpreting and Translation
課程長度 1.5年
開課時間 3月&8月
雅斯要求 IELTS總分6.5,單科不得低於6.0
學歷要求 學士學位需在Credit以上、需通過UNSW的能力檢定
學費 (一年) 2014 AU$27120
課程安排 Core Courses (選7門)
l   MODL5100 T&I Theories (6 UOC)
l   MODL5103 Media Translation (6 UOC)
l   MODL5104 Specialised Translation (6 UOC)
l   MODL5107 Technology for Translation (6 UOC)
l   MODL5108 Preparation for Accreditation (6 UOC)
l   MODL5112 Translation Practicum (6 UOC)
l   MODL5101 Interpreting in Legal Settings (6 UOC) OR
MODL5102 Interpret in busi & comm (6 UOC)
Elective Courses (選1門)
l   MODL5109 Bilingual Enhancement (6 UOC)
l   CHIN5910 Translating Chinese Poetry (6 UOC) (Chinese students only)
l   LING5022 Cross-cultural Pragmatics (6 UOC)
l   LING5026 Linguistic Analysis (6 UOC)
備註 l   完成Master of Arts (Extension) in Interpreting and Translation可得到NATTI口譯筆譯的認證
l   完成Master of Arts in Interpreting and Translation僅得到NATTI筆譯的認證
Macquarie University 麥覺理大學
城市 雪梨/North Ryde校區
課程名稱 Master of Translating and Interpreting
課程長度 2年
開課時間 3月&8月
雅斯要求 IELTS總分7.0,單科不得低於6.5
學歷要求 學士學位需在GPA2.5/4.0以上
學費 (一年) 2014 AU$23680
l   Translation Practice 2
l   Interpreting Practice 1
l   Interpreting Practice 2
l   Advanced Translation Practice 1
l   Introduction to Translation and Interpreting Theory
l   Translation Practice 1
l   Discourse and Text Analysis for Translators and Interpreters
l   Communication Skills for Translators and Interpreters
l   Advanced Interpreting Practice
l   Research in Reflective T&I Practices
l   Dialogue Interpreting in Professional Settings (4)
l   Introduction to Conference Interpreting (4)
l   Audiovisual Translation and Subtitling (4)
l   Introduction to Using Technology in Translation (4)
l   Pragmatics and Intercultural Communication (4)
l   Languages and Cultures in Contact (4)
l   Bilingualism (4)
l   Audiovisual Translation and Subtitling (4)
l   Literary Translation (4)
l   Dictionaries in Translating and Interpreting (4)
l   Dialogue Interpreting in Professional Settings (4)
l   Localization (4)
l   Business Translation and Interpreting (4)
l   Introduction to Using Technology in Translation (4)
l   Technical Translation and Interpreting (4)
l   Professional Practice in Translating and Interpreting (4)
l   Introduction to Conference Interpreting (4)
l   Special electives in T&I (4)
l   Legal Translation and Interpreting (4)
l   Medical Translation and Interpreting (4)

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泰晤士高等教育世界大學排名介紹,及澳洲大學在全球排名 - 墨爾本大學世界排名33、澳洲國立大學世界排名54、昆士蘭大學世界排名54、蒙納許大學世界排名57、雪梨大學世界排名58、新南威爾斯大學世界排名70